Over 50 Years of Adventist Education in Green Bay, Wisconsin!
"Developing leaders today who will walk with Jesus into eternity.”
AJA was formed in 1876 by a few small families who desired a Christian education for their children. These families met at various locations, such as the current teacher's home or even an empty room at the Green Bay Seventh Day Adventist church when it was located on Walnut Street, Green Bay. Construction on our current school building finished in 1958, with classes starting that fall. This location started as a two-room school with an auditorium. Eventually, through the help of our church family, we added the gymnasium, cafeteria, and another classroom. Today, our school hosts four teachers, various other staff & volunteers, and 31 students. We are thankful to God for where he has taken us, and we can't wait to see where God will lead our school in the coming years!

"Developing leaders today who will walk with Jesus through eternity."
Because we believe that true wisdom comes from God, we encourage schools to provide students opportunities to accept Jesus as their Savior, allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives, and live a life of service. This is done by being involved in daily school worship, Bible labs, weeks of prayer, and local Church outreach programs.
Our Philosophy
"Green Bay AJA believes that true education is the harmonious combination of both intelligence and character. To utilize and engage both the mind and body to be of service to Christ Jesus our Lord."
The Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes God as the ultimate source of existence, truth, and power. In the beginning, God created in His image a perfect humanity, a perfection later marred by sin. Education, in its broadest sense, is a means of returning human beings to their original relationship with God. The distinctive characteristics of this Adventist worldview, built around creation, the fall, redemption, and re-creation, are derived from the Bible and the inspired writings of Ellen G. White.
The aim of true education is to restore human beings to the image of God as revealed by the life of Jesus Christ. Only through the guidance of the Holy Spirit can this be accomplished. An education of this kind imparts far more than academic knowledge. It fosters a balanced development of the whole person—spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social-emotional—a process that spans a lifetime. Together, homes, schools, and churches cooperate with divine agencies to prepare learners to be good citizens in this world and for eternity.

Green Bay Adventist Junior Academy adheres to the academic standards as designed and directed by the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Education Committee. Below you may find links to complete lists of both the standards at the elementary level as well as standards at the secondary level.
The Green Bay Adventist Junior Academy is accredited by the Board of Regents of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and the National Council for Private School Accreditation. The Lake Union and Wisconsin Conference Offices of Education conduct complete evaluations of the educational program on a regular basis.
Meet Our Staff!

Amy Moreno
Teacher - Grades 7-10

Carmen Magray
Teacher - Grades K-2

Anayancy Hopkins
Teacher - Grades 3-6

Richard Bergeson
Teacher - Grades 5-10

Kevin Moreno
Pastor, Green Bay SDA Church

Marge Vande Hei